Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Minimalist goals!

What are your dream goals?

I want

- a house that we can easily clean ourselves because tidying isn't exhausting

- all storage boxes in storage closets

- all stockpiled groceries tidied away

- one size of clothes (that would be for minimalist me, about 10 kgs lighter)

- one file tray and everything else in the filing cabinet

- an exercise routine that's really fun

- to earn some money doing what I enjoy


  1. Ooh, good questions (yes I am reading all your posts and cyber stalking you!!!!)
    For me my uber minimalist goal would be to move into a family sized version of a tumbleweed house. But in the meantime our standard Kiwi bungalow will do. We just about have no clutter, but I would love to get rid of two last pieces of furniture - a wall unit and a sideboard, that DH is still clinging too. My current goal is to reduce my filing 'cabinet' from 4 folders to 2 and to have everything else electronically scanned in.

  2. :-) Cyber stalking is the sincerest form of flattery!

    I see you have a strong interest in Montessori too. Alex goes to the Montessori preschool and will hopefully go to a nearby-ish Montessori primary at the beginning of next year. Nadia is not too far from starting at little Montessori.

    I want to do something like having a student as a homestay in some of our new decluttered space for income. We definitely have enough room.
